Frankfurt Book Fair 2010-2011
Under the digital initiative of the Frankfurt Book Fair, six collective stands were established as the „Hot Spots“ in 2010. The digital initiative was launched as one of two key themes of the Book Fair in 2010. Scheßl / Weismüller’s integrative signature design with the distinctive „flying light“ sculptures and its high brand recognition value was selected to be the leading image of this theme. The homogenous and advanced design centered around the „Hot Spots“, assigning a „Hot Spot“ to each exhibitor, was found to be differentiating and exemplary. The exhibitor modules were supplemented by an individual stage at each „Hot Spot“ and a joint business lounge.

Floor plan



Lounge and info


Quick Facts
- Name: Frankfurt Book Fair, Hot Spots
- Year: 2010, 2011
- Location: Frankfurt, Germany
- Size: 1069 m²
- Client: Frankfurt Book Fair
- Project Scope: Exhibition Design, Corporate Design and Stand Building